learn more
See the additional setup information section in the onscreen User’s Guide to
learn more about:
Set up your HP OfficeJet for network printing
Understand point-and-print and peer-to-peer networks
Set up the host
Set up a point-and-print client
Set up a peer-to-peer client (Windows 98 server to 2000 client)

2 on 1 feature, 32
250-sheet plain paper tray, 9,
17, 19, 22
address book, sending faxes to
groups, 51
adjust settings
copy, 29
fax, 50
adjust sound volume for fax, 50
align printheads, 65
auto-answer button, 8, 48
automatic document feeder
copy from, 6
load originals in, 16
use for two-sided copies, 33
banner paper, tips on
loading, 21
basic fax setup, 55
best copy quality, 28
broadcast a fax, 47
busy redial, 50
auto-answer, 48
cancel, 9
front panel, 4
keypad, 9, 53
lighter/darker, 9, 28
menu, 7, 9
number of copies, 9, 29
quality, 9, 28
reduce/enlarge, 9, 28
resolution, 8
scan to, 9, 24
special features, 10, 32, 34
speed dial, 8, 46, 51
start scan, 10, 23
tray select/paper type, 9, 35
two-sided copy, 33
button, 9
copy, 36
scan, 25
scheduled fax, 48
check ink level, 59
clean contacts, 66
replace ink cartridges, 63
change paper tray, 22
ink cartridge contacts, 66
printhead contacts, 67
printheads, 66
the exterior, 58
the glass, 57
the lid backing, 57
collate copies, 34
fax, 47
improve printing, 59
intensity of copy, 28
CompactFlash, 37
connect your parallel cable
adapter, 75
continuous paper, tips on
loading, 21
contrast, enhance photo
colors, 29
2 on 1, 32
an original, 31
buttons, 4
change default settings, 29
color intensity, 28
darken, 9, 28
defaults, 29
enhancements, 29
enlarge, 28
fit to page, 30
from ADF, 6
lighten, 9, 28
make a poster, 34
make copies, 5, 27
photo, 30
quality, 9, 28
reduce, 28
set number of copies, 5, 29
several copies on a page, 31
special copy jobs, 30
speed, 28
stop, 36
T-shirt transfer, 35
two-sided copies, 9, 33
country setup, 70
darken a copy, 28
date setup, 52
default settings
change for copy, 29
restore factory defaults, 70
delay fax, 47

hp officejet d series
director review, 10
double-sided copies, 33
DPOF, print, 41
enhancements, 29
enlarge a copy, 9, 28, 30
enter text from keypad, 53
envelopes, load, 19
error reports, fax, 49
exclamation light (needs
attention), 8
factory defaults
change for copying, 29
restore, 70
fast copy quality, 28
adjust volume, 50
auto redial, 50
auto-answer, 8
broadcast, 47
busy redial, 50
buttons, 4
cancel scheduled fax, 48
confirmation reports, 49
create group speed-dial
settings, 51
create individual speed-dial
settings, 51
delay send, 47
enter text, 53
error reports, 49
header, 53
print reports, 49
receive, 48
receive manually, 49
redial numbers
automatically, 9, 50
reports, 45, 49
reprint fax in memory, 54
resolution, 8
schedule send, 47
send, 45, 46
send fax to multiple
recipients, 47
send in color, 47
send using speed dial
settings, 46
set the header, 53
speed dialing, 51
transaction reports, 49
fax functions menu, 55
fit to page, 30
front panel
enter text, 53
features, 4
overview, 8
print photos, 39
scan from, 23
tutorial, 3
front-panel display, 4
set language, 70
glass cleaning, 57
greeting cards, load, 20
group speed-dial settings,
creating, 51
header, fax, 53
help, 1
hp director, 10–13
hp officejet
menu functions, 13
simple sharing, 76
software, 10
hp papers, tips on loading, 20
hp two-sided printing
accessory, 33
image, shift, 32
individual speed-dial settings,
create, 51
ink cartridges
check ink level, 59
clean, 66
refill, 69
replace, 63
ink level
check, 59
low, 63
override gauge, 69
inkjet paper, load, 20
intensity of color copy, 28
introduction to the Director, 10
iron-on, 35
keypad, 9
enter text, 53
labels, load, 21
lamp power save mode, 71
language setup, 70
legal-size paper
copy from, 28
tips on loading, 20
lid backing, clean, 57
light power save mode, 71
lighten or darken copies, 9, 28
250-sheet plain paper
tray, 17
change the paper type, 22
envelopes, 19
ink cartridges, 63
multiple originals, 6
original in the ADF, 6, 16
original on the glass, 15
paper, 17
photo paper, 21
postcards, 20
printheads, 61
set the paper size, 22
tips, 20
lower paper tray, see 250-sheet
plain paper tray
main paper tray, load, 17
align printheads, 65
check ink level, 7
clean the exterior, 58
clean the glass, 57
clean the lid backing, 57
clean the printheads, 66
power save mode time, 71
printhead replacement
verification, 60
replace ink cartridges, 63
replace printheads, 61
restore factory defaults, 70
self-test report, 58
margins, increase, 32
memory card see photo card

hp officejet d series
Memory Stick, 37
menus, 55
advanced fax setup, 55
copy setup, 36
fax functions, 55
photo card functions, 44
print reports, 72
speed dial setup, 55
status and maintenance, 55,
multiple recipients
create groups, 51
send fax to, 47
no answer redial, 50
normal copy quality, 28
number of copies, 9
set, 5, 29
numbers, redialing, 50
how to place in the ADF, 16
how to place on glass, 15
multiple copies, 31
print two on one page, 32
output tray, 21
extender, 18
change default size for
copy, 22
change the type, 22
load, 17
recommended, 16, 17
set the size, 22
tips on loading, 20–21
paper size, change for copy, 22
paper tray
select, 9
set, 22
parallel cable adapter, 75
phone hook light, 8
photo card
CompactFlash, 37
insert a card, 38
inserted incorrectly, 38
Memory Stick, 37
Photo View Center, 39
print a DPOF file, 41
print a proof sheet, 39
print all photos, 40
print individual photos, 40
print photos from, 39
save files to computer, 38
scan a proof sheet, 42
SmartMedia, 37
types, 37
what is a photo card, 37
photo mode enhancement, 30
photo paper, load, 21
Photo View Center, 39
photo view center, 24
copy, 30
enhance copy, 29
print, 39
print a DPOF file, 41
print all, 40
print individual photos, 40
save, 38
view, 39
postcards, load, 20
poster, copy to, 34
power save mode setup, 71
power save mode time, 71
all photos, 40
color calibration report, 59
continuous (banner) paper,
tips on loading, 21
DPOF file, 41
envelopes, 19
fax reports, 49
faxes in memory, 54
individual photos, 40
photos from photo card, 39
proof sheet, 39
self-test report, 58
print cartridges, see ink
align, 65
clean, 66, 67
load, 61
replace, 61
replacement verification, 60
proof sheet
print, 39
scan, 42
use, 42
quality, 28
quick start, 3
review the director, 10
use with a computer, 10
receive, fax, 48
redialing, numbers, 50
reduce a copy, 5, 9, 28, 30
reinstall software, 77
remove software, 77
automatic fax, 49
color calibration, 59
fax, 45
manual fax, 49
self-test, 58
restore factory settings, 70
ring and beep volume, set, 50
a scanned image, 23
photos to computer, 38
buttons, 4
different destination, 24
from front panel, 23
proof sheet, 42
stop, 25
cancel scheduled fax, 48
fax, 47
self-test report, 58
delay fax, 47
fax, 45, 46
fax to multiple recipients, 47
country and language, 70
date and time, 52
fax header, 53
number of copies, 29
power save mode, 71
speed dialing, 51

hp officejet d series
best copy quality, 28
copy a photo, 30
copy color intensity, 28
copy defaults, 29
copy quality, 28
copy speed, 28
country and language, 70
darken a copy, 28
date and time, 52
enlarge a copy, 28
fast copy quality, 28
fax header, 53
lighten a copy, 28
normal copy quality, 28
paper tray, 22
power save mode, 71
reduce a copy, 28
ring and beep volume, 50
save copy, 29
text enhancement, 29
additional information, 73
simple sharing, 76
shift margins, 32
SmartMedia, 37
introduction, 10
remove and reinstall, 77
sound volume, adjust, 50
special features, 10, 32, 34
limitations, 15
speed dialing
buttons, 8
create group settings, 51
create individual settings, 51
enter text, 53
set up, 51
to send fax, 46
stickers, load, 20
copy, 36
scan, 25
supply, check ink level, 59
enhance, 29
enter from keypad, 53
time setup, 52
transparency film
recommend choices, 17
tips on loading, 20
remove and reinstall
software, 77
T-shirt transfer, 35
load, 20
tutorial, 3
before you begin, 3
front panel features, 4
make a copy, 5
two-sided copies, 9, 33
USB cable installation, 76
volume, adjust for fax, 50

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